Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Laserin VS Listerine

Ayahku memang sudah tua. Sebagai info, Ayahku yang baru saja cukur kumis ini, sudah berumur 54 tahun, dan sudah bangkotan yah pemirsa.

Nah karena saking tuanya ini, kayaknya mulut ama otak udah kagak kompak. Maka terjadilah percakapan ini:

Papa(P): Nang, telpon Mama, suruh beliin Laserin yang gede untuk Papa di kantor (waktu itu Mama sedang pergi)
Dhinang(D): (Ngomong dalam hati) Kok bapak gua aneh banget, nghapain beli obat batuk Laserin buat di kantor, yang gede lagi?

Dhinang menelpon Mama

D: Mah, Papa minta dibeliin Laserin yang gede untuk di kantor
Mama(M): ??? (bingung juga)

Akhirnya sang Bunda tiba di rumah dengan penuh kemenangan

P: Mah, mana obat kumur buat papa?
M: Hah, emangnya papa minta obat kumur?
P: Itu tuh tadi si Dhinang saya suruh ngasih tau kamu untuk beli obat kumur
D: (langsung nyamber) hah? obat kumur apaan? tadi papa bilangnya Laserin!
P: Loh Laserin itu obat kumur kan? Itu loh yang di kamar mandi
D: Itu mah Listerine!
M: (gabisa ngomong apa2 menyadari suaminya sudah semakin tua)

Inilah fotoku bersama ayahku yang lucu itu:

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Monday, June 22, 2009


Yeah, at my first day in 8D, I had never thought that I would miss 8D this much. There are lots of thing that I just can't tell here.

But now, I DO miss 8D, especially because I didn't join them when they went to Dufan. Well, I didn't join them not because I DIDN"T WANT but I COULD NOT. When I saw the pictures of my friends at Dufan, I felt a little bit jealous that I also want to spend my time in Dufan with you all, but unfortunately I couldn't. I do want to roll back time and spend my time again with 8D.

Do you want to know why I miss 8D a lot? Because.. It's 8D! I just realize that I got so much lessons in 8D. How to be a nice person, a patience person, a funny person, a trust worthy person, and so much more I just can't tell you here because I would spend my whole day to write these stuffs with 8D.

All of my friends in 8D, I hope that you will never forget our times in 8D, whenever and wherever we meet, PLEASE don't hesitate to say HI to me, okay?

If I had a Cosmo or Wanda, I would say "I'd like to roll back time so I could spend my time with 8D again, and I would use that precious time as well as possible, and I wouldn't waste those moments"


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Saya akan bolos posting sampai 12 juni 2009

Berhubung saya teramat sangat pusing dikarenakan ulum sudah dekat, JADI SAYA MUNGKIN TIDAK BAKAL BUAT POST AMPE 12 JUNI 2009.pokoknya, nanti yah pas udh selesai ulum, saya mau main sepuasnya!

xoxo, dhinang